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Last weekend my best friend and I made our way to Joe’s Crab Shack to give it a whirl because the  commercials always look like a good time… Way to advertise Joe!

I was in the mood for a Margarita (as I’ve been all Summer, Fall, and now Winter) and I was excited to see there was a “Pop Rocks Pomegranate Margarita” on the menu.  Whoooaahh! Sold!! I get super pumped when sampling new trendy drinks!

The bartender warned us about putting the poprocks in the drink, she said they would pop everywhere.  So I closed my eyes and went for it and wowzers! They popped in my face, in my hair, and down my shirt…dangerous, but fun nonetheless.  The actual margarita wasn’t the best, it was a little weak as most frozen/blended drinks normally are (unless you are drinking at Wet Willies), but overall a gun drink.